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The Society of Nematologists (SON) is an international organization formed to advance the science of nematology in both its fundamental and economic aspects. To serve this purpose, the Society of Nematologists acts as an agency for the exchange of information, holds regular meetings, and promotes and extends knowledge in all phases of nematology. The Society operates on a nonprofit basis exclusively for the accomplishment of these educational and scientific goals.

PAPERs of the Quarter

Upcoming events

May 17 - 31 - SON officer elections, members-only

June 6 & 7 - Southeast Crop Protection Tour for Student and Post-doc members, Tifton, Georgia

July 3, 2024 - Last day for room block reservations at SON2024

August 4 - 9th, 2024  - The 63rd Annual SON Conference in Park City, UT


In Memoriam

The Society of Nematologists is saddened by the passing of Dr. Diana Wall. Diana made significant contributions to our Society, serving as Secretary and then President, being named a SON Fellow in 1995, and as a consistent and generous donor to the mission of the Nathan A. Cobb Foundation. She will be missed but her impact on nematology will always be felt. Learn more about Diana's amazing career and contributions to science and nematology:

SON Facebook

Thank you to Our Sustaining Associates!

Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

 ©All Rights Reserved. Society of Nematologists