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The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists

Nematodes Under Stress

Whether you are working with nematodes in stressful environments, trying

to stress out nematodes that attack crops, or stressing the importance of studying

various aspects of Nematology, you will find a niche in the upcoming

2024 SON meeting at Park City, Utah!

Click HERE to Register for SON2024!

Conference Schedule Overview

Detailed Program Highlights


February 9, 2024 - Registration begins and Student Travel Award applications open

March 1, 2024 - Deadline for Symposium and Workshop proposals

March 17, 2024 - Symposia and Workshop announcement

April 1, 2024Deadline to apply for Student Travel Awards; Nominations due for the John W. Webster Outstanding Student Award

April 30, 2024- Deadline for Abstract submissions (link to submit is emailed to you upon completing meeting registration)

May 1, 2024 - Last day to register for the Annual Meeting with early-bird pricing.

May 2, 2024 - Increase in Annual Meeting registration fees.

July 3, 2024 - Last day to make room block reservations.

SON T-shirt Day!

The SON Industry Committee is leading the “SON T-shirt Day” initiative for the SON Utah meeting. The goal is to all wear a SON T-shirt on Wednesday August 7th. 

With this initiative participants will:
  • Increase SON’s visibility and brand awareness.
  • Inject additional funds through the sale of t-shirts.
  • Increase camaraderie and networking among participants.
  • Activate a stronger sense of belonging to the society.

Therefore, we would like to encourage you to order your SON T-shirt at  NemaCobb (

Thank you in advance for your support and participation!!

Cobb Bowl at SON2024

As per tradition, Dr. Jon Eisenback will again be leading student teams in the annual Cobb Bowl competition on the last afternoon of the conference.

Meant to be a fun yet educational activity for our students to engage with one another and learn some Nematology trivia, if you are an SON member you can start studying today! He has shared the new deck of trivia cards on the members-only website: Nematode Trading Cards

Cobb Bowl Rules (AKA: Nematodes in Jeopardy!)

  1. After the question has been read completely, buzz-in to answer.
  2. The answer must be in the form of a question.
  3. If the answer is correct, the team receives the dollar value of the question, and gets to select the category and worth of the next question.
  4. If the answer is incorrect, the dollar value is deducted from the team score, and another team may buzz-in to answer.
  5. If the answer is correct, the team receives the dollar value of the question, and they select the next category and worth of the next question.
  6. If the answer is incorrect, the dollar value is deducted from the team score and another team has the chance to answer.
  7. And so forth, so another team can buzz-in to answer, and so forth.
  8. Teams with positive scores can play Final Jeopardy.
  9. The category of the question is announced and the teams wager on their ability to answer.
  10. If their answer is correct the team doubles their dollar amount.
  11. If their answer is incorrect their wager is deducted from their score.
  12. The team with the highest scores wins the game and is awarded the Cobb Bowl Trophy.

Thank you to our Conference Sponsors!



Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

 ©All Rights Reserved. Society of Nematologists